Monday, 11 January 2016

So far...

- 16 hours in emergency at The Hospital for Sick Children
- 1 EEG
- 3 wards as an inpatient
- 9 painful needle pokes for blood work
- 7 IV insertions
- 1 arterial line insertion
- 2 night in ICU
- 3 CT scans
- 28 X-rays of spine
- 5 chest X rays to check for fluid in the lungs
- Countless pain management medications given
- 20 OT/PT visits
- 74 times doing pin site care of screws in his head
- 4 adjustments to halo placement
- 3 pin site replacements
- 1 pin site infection
- 1 positive test for MRSA (hopefully this turns out to be a false positive)
- countless sponge baths
- Many puréed meals given by syringe lying flat in bed
- 2 days of NG tube feeds through the nose
- 6 days of NPO - withheld from food or
- 1 MRI
- 14 days in traction
- 23 days in halo and vest and countless more ahead
- 4 times under general anesthetic
- 4 trips to the OR
- 1 major operation
- countless sleepless nights
- Many wonderful doctors, nurses and specialists tending to Brody's every
- 1st New Years Eve spent
- 2nd new year day in hospital since birth
- 8th birthday celebrated (his 2nd birthday in hospital)
- Many visits with Camp Aim Staff
- 1 best uncle award given to Jordan for being here so much with Brody
- Many random acts of generosity and thoughtfulness by many people
- Countless moments missing Taylor, Cole & Jason and wishing we were home with them.

Lots of pain, tears, smiles, relief, fear, happiness, sadness, disappointment, appreciation, love and emotion experienced since entering the SickKids Hospital doors.

All of this in just
38 days and nights in hospital...

Let's see what tomorrow and the next day bring. This is going to be a LONG road to recovery for Brody. Thank you everyone for your support during this never ending roller coaster of hospital life. Xo


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